The official visit of the French minister for foreign affairs and the strategic partnership between Romania and France to including the economic bilateral and mutual cooperation. 03.02.2022

The official visit of the French minister for foreign affairs and the strategic partnership between Romania and France to including the economic bilateral and mutual cooperation. 03.02.2022


The official visit of the French minister for foreign affairs and the strategic partnership between Romania and France to including the economic bilateral and mutual cooperation. 

The head of the French delegation extended a strategic message:

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in Bucharest on February 3, 2022 that the announced French military presence in Romania could not be considered a „challenge” by Russia, but only respecting the commitments that his country must honor.

Romania Romania Franta CCIR Franta 2 Ministrul de externe francez la Cotroceni

„France is a framework nation, and participation in NATO’s advanced adapted presence in Romania is in line with its commitments as part of NATO. This availability will be discussed by ministers in the coming days,” Le Drian told a joint news conference with the Romanian minister of foreign affairs.

“France wants to expand the Schengen area, in the context of holding the presidency of the Council of the European Union.”

Citeste si : https://globalmedia.ro/actualitate/noul-director-general-al-agentiei-domeniilor-statului-ads-este-fostul-prefect-de-buzau-george-sava/

„It is important to control our borders together, the spirit of Schengen. Free movement requires close border control, one does not go without the other. It is essential that we be able to reform Schengen, first of all, in order to strengthen governance and ensure that control mechanisms are rigorous and strengthened in all their dimensions. We want to get Schengen enlargement during the French presidency. We are in a very favorable position in this regard for Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia.”

As for the tense situation on the East Side, the French Foreign Minister said: „I reminded my counterparts that they could count on France’s support, that we are with them through the forces (…) both for the benefit of Estonia and Latvia, and for the benefit of Romania. We take the situation very seriously, the means used by Russia are unprecedented in recent history and leave us to expect all possible situations. I also reminded the Russians that any direct and aggressive action in Ukraine will lead to immediate sanctions, and we must continue to prepare for sanctions within the EU. I urge Russia to continue the dialogue in all relevant structures because it is the only way to achieve lasting detente.”

The CCIR – MEDEF collaboration matrix as part of the agenda Romania – France, in order to attract direct investments in Romania: common strategies, including communication and defence & industrial areas of multilateral participation.

The leadership of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR), participated, at the invitation of the French Embassy in Romania, in a working meeting with the president of the Mouvement des Entreprises de France International (MEDEF), Mr. Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux. MEDEF is the leading industry organization in France, with over 173,000 member companies, 95% of which are small and medium-sized enterprises.

The meeting, organized with the support of the Romanian Embassy in France, laid the foundations for the development of a new communication channel between the business circles belonging to the two states, an extremely pragmatic channel, given the size of MEDEF’s representation in European business.

CCIR remains consistent with its mission to boost bilateral trade relations and thus contribute to increasing the value of direct investment in Romania. Even if France has a very important presence from this point of view in Romania, with over 5.6 billion euros, at the level of 2020, today’s meeting represented for CCIR an opportune moment to try to attract substantial investments in areas such as : infrastructure, IT&C, green energy as well as strategic cyber communications, military and defence. Thanks to the chamber system, CCIR can provide concrete partners with French data that show the investment potential at the level of the whole country, an official source declared.

„I noticed since yesterday, from the B2B sessions, between the Romanian and French entrepreneurs, the total involvement of CCIR in terms of dynamizing the economic relations between Romania and France. In fact, this session aroused the real interest of some large companies in France to establish new economic relations or to improve existing ones. France has know-how in many fields, it is appreciated worldwide, and Romania has a well-developed business environment that knows how to make full use of the tools we offer. ” (according to the statement of Mr. Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, President of MEDEF.)

Background: in accordance with the press and communication bureau of the chamber, France is the second largest economy in the EU in terms of GDP (17.4%) at 2020, according to Eurostat. On 30.04.2021, France was Romania’s third largest export destination (6.9% of total exports). Currently, according to ONRC, there are 10,140 companies with French capital operating in Romania, with a total value of the subscribed share capital of 2.38 billion euros. The total of French direct investments in Romania amounts to 5.64 billion Euros.

The Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIR), in partnership with the Mouvement des Entreprises de France International (MEDEF), the main organization of French industrialists, organized a meeting session on February 1 at the CCIR Business Center B2B, between the representatives of the business environment from the two states, in order to dynamize the bilateral trade exchanges.

The Franco-Romanian economic partnership is part of a traditional historical relationship and involves opportunities for collaboration between the two countries in different strategic sectors. This partnership is seen in line with the principles of European resilience, which involves strengthening the industrial and logistical capacity of businesses in the EU Member States, as well as a competitive positioning of European products worldwide.

„CCIR continues to make substantial efforts to improve communication with top partners, and France is more than a close partner, it is a strategic partner. Today’s meeting between French and Romanian companies is one of the most important B2B events, after two years of pandemic, long awaited by the Romanian business environment. I consider that this represents only the beginning of a new dimension of the Romanian-French economic cooperation and, at the same time, an important impulse for the actions of the chambers of commerce from the two states, regarding the consolidation and development of bilateral trade ties „, said the CCIR Secretary General, Mr. Ovidiu Silaghi, due his official speech and opening strategic messages extended to the French party.

„Romania is France’s main business partner in Eastern Europe, so the MEDEF delegation, present today, is made up of companies that represent important economic sectors, such as: smart city, tourism, infrastructure, digital, tourism and environment. Half of the companies present at this B2B session are large companies with which Romania already has a business relationship, and the other half are companies looking for new partnerships with Romanian entrepreneurs, in view of the business opportunities that your country offers. There is an important presence of French companies in Romania, but we are convinced that there is a great potential to further develop this business relationship. ”  said the Deputy General Manager of MEDEF, Ms. Géraldine Lemblé.

The list of participants included: Mr. Liviu Rogojinaru, director the Government of Romania, ex State Secretary, Ministry of Economy, Mr. Ovidiu Silaghi, General Secretary of the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry,

Dr. Sorin Dobircianu, Ph. D. Regional Manager for the Eastern Europe DEFENCE UNLIMITED and Director of the Center for International Relations and Lobby THE EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH, Mr. Geo Scripcariu-Strategic Counsel, ex-sr.consultant @Booz Allen Hamilton, Ms. Anca-Nicoleta Toma Halaicu, sr. expert the Romanian Parliament, Ms. Juncu Izabela Corina, founder & CEO Notorious Stories, Mr. Paul Mirica-Chairman Metarom, Mr. Constantin Stan, international sr. expert, Mr. Dan Petre, international relations expert.

MOUVEMENT DES ENTREPRISES DE FRANCE Professional organization (MEDEF, the Organization of the French Industrialists): Geoffroy ROUX DE BEZIEUX Chairman, Bruno ROUAULT President’s Cabinet Director

MOUVEMENT DES ENTREPRISES DE FRANCE INTERNATIONAL (the French Business Confederation): Mari-Noëlle JEGO-LAVEISSIERE Chairman of the France-Romania Business Council Deputy CEO Europe of Orange, Géraldine LEMBLE Deputy CEO, Anaïs VASSALLO Project Officer South Asia & East Asia, Félicie JARNY Project Officer Europe, Radu MAGDIN Correspondent of MEDEF International in Romania CEO of Smartlink Communication SRL, AEROPHILE SA Tethered Balloon World Leader Jérôme GIACOMONI Co-Founder, President, APAVE INTERNATIONAL Group specializing in the fields of assistance, support for professionals of all types and professional training, among others in the fields of industry and environmental analyzes Eric SIMON Chairman, BOUYGUES TRAVAUX PUBLICS Civil engineering – Rail Infrastructures Xavier VERDIER International Business Development Director – Rail Infrastructures France & Europe, CABINET GRUIA DUFAUT Law firm, legal assistance to French businesses in Romania Dana GRUIA DUFAUT Lawyer, Paris and Bucharest Bareaux; Consular Counsellor Romania-Moldova, EGIS Consulting, engineering, operation. Benjamin AUDINOS Europe-Africa Business Line Director – Cities, Roads & Mobility James HANSON General Manager – Egis Romania, IDEMIA Public Security and Identity Alexandre ARIZTEGUI VP Sales Region DACH, Central and South Western Europe at IDEMIA, IN GROUPE Key player in identity and trust solutions for global exchanges Jean-François HUERGO Head of Business Development, LAGARDERE TRAVEL RETAIL Duty Free, F&B and Travel Essentials in airports Philippe HAUTRIVE Deputy COO EMEA, MATIERE SAS Bridges Stell Construction Paul-Antoine NICOLAUDIE International Sales Deputy Director, MND Cable mobility, snowmaking systems, mountain safety, thrill-seeking leisure facilities Mikaël TOUSSAINT Project Manager – Group Sales Direction, SERGI FRANCE – SERGI TRANSFORMER PROTECTOR Transformer Explosion and fire prevention Antoine MAGNIER Chief Operating Officer, SNEF Engineering and contracting, electricity, instrumentation and automation Costin BORC Director Africa & Eastern Europe, SYNAPSE (AQUA-VALLEY) Software publisher – Synapse markets in France and internationally a hydrological data supervision solution in the field of flood risk forecasting and water resources management Octavian DOBRICEAN Associate director, TRACTEBEL Global engineering consultancy company with expertise in energy, water and infrastructure projects Charles-Edouard DELPIERRE Chief Officer BA Infrastructure Europe, SNEF Engineering and contracting, electricity, instrumentation and automation Costin BORC Director Africa & Eastern Europe  etc.

Foto : Global Media Research&Development.

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