The new Minsk Agreement for the Peace of the world. Once Minsk… Minsk again.

The new Minsk Agreement for the Peace of the world. Once Minsk… Minsk again.

The new Minsk Agreement for the Peace of the world.

Once Minsk… Minsk again.

World community experts to preparing the conditions in Minsk.

Both parties ready to talks in Minsk. The New Minsk Peace Perspectives?

Russians are “ready” to send a high-level delegation “for talks with a Ukrainian delegation” to Belarusian capital Minsk, which has previously hosted rounds of peace talks over the Ukraine crisis.

Minsk 3 Minsk 2

Minsk 1

Belarusian President would “create the conditions” for such a summit.

Russia sent a delegation to Minsk for talks with Ukraine.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russian news agencies Russia is willing to send a delegation including foreign and defence ministry officials.

Ukraine has said it is willing to discuss declaring itself a neutral county. Peskov said demilitarisation would need to be an essential part of that.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to meet for talks and indicated that he would be willing to discuss Ukraine’s “neutral status,” which would mark a dramatic shift for a country that currently seeks membership in both NATO and the European Union.

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