Red Agility Global at IDEX 2023 UAE Production – Supply – Maintenance The Most Important Tri-Service Defence Exhibition in the World.
20 – 24 February 2023 Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre ADNEC.
Establish and strengthen relationships with government departments, businesses and armed forces throughout the region.
Red Agility Global is a UAE defence & military key player with a focus on landforces and aeropsace supply of global integrate military, defence and security ( maritime-aviation-cyber ) international solutions as well as products, spare parts and services.
Red Agility Global pride themselves on their ability to source rapidly hard to acquire supplies as well as some of the most advanced technologies globally.
Red Agility is also focused in bringing local productions, transfer of technologies, research & development and strategic partnerships.
The Red Agility team has the relevant know how and experience operating within African, Middle Eastern, Asian and Overseas regions.
Red Agility strives to bring only the best level of expertise, such as: supply of Vehicles, Weapons, Ammunition, Fixed Wing, Rotary, Spare Parts and Special Dedicated Intermediary Services.
Transfers Of Technology – Local Production Facilities & Resilient Compliance Control on multilateral cooperation, to including ADNOC ( Abu Dhabi National Oil Company ) and AL MASAOOD Abu-Dhabi.
Source: Redagilityglobal [ ] IDEX [ ]
Pictures: Mr. Adel-Henry Nusseibeh, CEO Red Agilityglobal UAE and Dr. Sorin Dobircianu, Ph. D. Sr. International Lead Expert NATO.
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